Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Falling up

Suspended animation #1

One of the things I do love about living in Calgary is the weather, and this time of year, it can be anything from 21C (70F) to -40C (-40F), and sometimes close to each end of the spectrum in the same day, with the warmest temperature being at 0100, and the coldest at 1700. Needless to say, it means we get to see a lot of interesting snow/ice/water interactions like this one I found last weekend when walking down by the river.

Please throw my frisbee again!

The river pathways are also prime dog-walking territory: this lovely pup dropped his fetch toy at my feet and I threw it for him to catch several times, exchanged plesantries with his owner, and then we each continued on our way -- southbound for me, northbound for them. Five minutes later, I heard the owner calling out to her dog, who was running full-tilt towards me with the toy in his mouth. After obliging another toss, she picked up his leash and then resumed her journey, with both of us laughing.

Setting sun

And when the weather is nice, as it was last Saturday, when I took these pictures, it's lovely to walk in the late afternoon to catch the shadows and reflections.

One of the older ones

Even if I forgot where I am, I could probably, with a computer, find out easily enough. These survey markers are scattered along the river, and were used to plot out the new development to the south of where I'm staying.

The Force

But we do have snow, and this coming Saturday marks the start of meteorological winter, which means The Silly Season has started. This year, I'm looking forward to a quiet one alone. I've starting sampling and testing out ideas for upcoming projects, and there is much work to do: it will be a lot of fun....

Monday, 19 November 2012

Now appearing on the big screen

Snowy pompom

After three straight months of working on my Windoze netbook, with its 11" display, it's such an utter joy to be back working on my iMac's 21" screen. Along with the fact that I can actually see what I'm doing, I'm also using a mouse instead of a trackpad, a keyboard that lets me type properly, and Adobe Creative Suite instead of Open Office and GIMP.

Which means getting back to the business of business, both arts and the kind that is more lucrative financially, is much easier and efficient.

One of the big paradigm shifts I underwent on the adventure away was the burning need to get back to real life (i.e., having a job, my own home, and the ability to keep myself in the lifestyle to which I've become accustomed), but I'm still feeling my way about what I want to do. It's not that I don't have skills and talents, but when I apply for the sort of jobs I'd like to do I'm usually overqualified for, I get oh, we aren't paying what you're worth and you wouldn't stick around long, and the jobs I'm not overqualified for go to someone younger. It's frustrating, to say the least.

From the road

I'm in much the same space figuring out where my art practice is going too: there's the summer 2014 plan that I do one or two things about most days ("waiting for an answer" is a thing, right?), but I'm not sure where it fits in the grand scheme of things, mostly because I haven't sketched out anything even remotely resembling "a grand scheme" lately.

So I'm working on that as well.

Changing light #1

Meanwhile, I'm enjoying drinking tea from my favourite mug, puttering around a familiar kitchen cooking for myself, and not having to endure citylag every seven days or so. And reading a lot, as I prepare to work as a Central Poll Supervisor for the upcoming Calgary Centre by-election next Monday.

Changing light #3

I'm also pleased to have been back to visit and photograph spun/adrift, now that it's had a chance to adjust to its environment, and vice versa. With the fresh snow and sunshine we had early last week, I had a chance to go check it out. Hope you like what it's doing: I know I do!

Friday, 9 November 2012

Living in a snow globe


When I arrived back in Calgary, it was to several days of cold grey fog -- the weather, not me! But it wasn't exactly photo-friendly, and now we have close to a foot of snow on the ground.

So in self-defence, I'm trying to warm myself up by posting more of the glorious fall pictures I took in Ontario and Quebec.

Another brick in the wall

The flip side is that I've stayed busy since returning home: if I had thought I'd get a break from all the running-around I was doing in Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal, I would have been kidding myself.


One of the more enjoyable evenings -- besides those spent with friends, sharing stories, dinners, and a few good beverages -- was last night, when I braved the elements to be one of the artist-in-resident alumni to speak at the Calgary Allied Arts Foundation annual general meeting.


(The stories from my adventures at the residency from January to March 2010 can be found here, here, here, and here.)


I showed pictures of the work I had created at the residency, my most recent installation commission, and the Picton Parkette Project to a small but appreciative audience.

Got to talk to the other two presenters and most of the other attendees after, and sounded out a few people about my upcoming major adventure for the summer of 2014, all of which was very positive. More details about it as it comes together.

Books for Sale

The shop is currently empty.