At the edge of the universe
Interestingly enough, about seven weeks after writing about Richard Séguin's L'ange vagabond back in October, he appeared on a live program doing the song. Although it's a somewhat different arrangement (sadly, without the fabulous solo guitar intro in the version on Vagabondage, his live greatest hits album
), it sounds wonderful, and he still looks pretty darned good too.
The work carries on: I spent two days out of town caring for a friend's dogs and cat while she had surgery, which allowed me to shoot some different landscapes, and get some solid writing done. More than anything else, words continue to flow easily, and I amazed myself by penning the winning haiku in the little contest Alberta Views magazine ran two weeks ago. My prize was VIP seating at a lovely reading by Marina Endicott, two of her books (autographed, no less), as well as a brief chat with her.
All for less than ten minutes' work over a hot beverage on a Monday morning.
Calgary's March weather stumbles along: the bird feeders were full last week, and a series of sparrows were very grateful when the weather turned raw and nasty. On my return to the city, I heard several new avian visitors, and the first loud screeches from either a merlin or a peregrine: when the raptors show up, you know it's spring.
A series of art-related deadlines approach, so it's back into the studio for most of this week, with occasional -- and tentative -- forays back into the social whirl.
I haven't given up being a hermit yet, but with seeing some cracks in that wall too, I realize I'm being swept up again on the road back to my interrupted life. There's still the yawning cavern of loss, as there will always be, but two people have remarked that I actually looked happy lately: I'll take that as progress.
A wonderful entry with some really nice photos, Linda. I also enjoyed the live perfprmance of L'ange Vagabond.