Thursday 23 June 2011

Feeling my way

Unable to focus

Life has been a rollercoaster lately.

One thing I've really enjoyed of late is being able to get out and just take pictures for fun -- the ones flanking this paragraph are from a local Flickrmeet -- and it was just wonderful to be able to go, take pictures, talk about taking pictures, and have a few laughs with people I know and who wouldn't freak out if (and especially, when) I'd break down and lose it.

Icelandic poppy and furry friend

All I had really been taking pictures of lately was the installations for my Fish Creek Environmental Learning Centre show...

A Year in the Life

... and fulfill my commitment to install "spring" (the upper left picture in the montage), demonstrate how I spun the yarn on my drop spindle, and talk to the school groups that visit.

Grade twos, take 2

But that doesn't mean life has been all sweetness and light. I'm still learning to pace myself, and found out the hard way that I can't do a lot of public interaction before dissolving into a babbling puddle.

That being said, it was useful, at some level, to push the emotional envelope, and while I felt like I descended back down a long, slippery slope, it really only lasted 48 hours.

Tomorrow is another milestone: it's D.'s birthday. The tradition in our home is that the birthday person gets whatever they want for dinner, and I decided that I could really only deal with that tonight. Leftover BBQ lamb in fresh wholewheat pitas, homemade tzaziki, and Grower's Extra Dry Apple cider is a pretty tasty dinner. (Didn't do Greek Festival last weekend, though: it was our usual birthday celebration adventure.)

If I can watch any part our favourite movie on DVD tomorrow night, it will be a real accomplishment: I actually listened to part of the music soundtrack last night, which I wasn't initially sure was such a great idea, but it's helped the healing process.

Although I'd be lying if I said that I don't still feel about as skittish and fragile as this young mule deer doe, who was having a lovely time by the truck when I left Fish Creek yesterday.

Doe, a deer

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you posting again, feeling your way there as well. Thanks for the lovely photos. May the birthday honor the being D. was and the being that you are.


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