Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Shift into Changes

On the nest

Part of my ongoing recovery has been walking: I’ve always been “a walker” having grown up in a house where taking a stroll after dinner was part of my family’s evening routine as a child. But it was prescribed after my surgery in November, and except in the depth of winter, not been much of a challenge.

Unlike last year, when we really didn’t have much of a “winter” here in Calgary, it’s been distinctly nasty out, so I’ve been grateful that the weather improved and I could get out more often, and for longer distances. More sunlight certainly helped too!


The end of April meant the end of my regular winter house-sit, and work on plans for the rest of the year. I judged the fleece show again that I did last year (pictures of that trip, which I recently returned from will be posted in the next blog entry), and I’ll be driving to Québec in July to visit friends and then attend a musical improvisation camp in August.

Yes, that’s not a typo: I am going to drive out: I’ve been persuaded to accept the gift of a car. It means being able to stop into small wineries and cideries in Ontario and Québec and bring bottles back with me, which I am looking forward to.

Since the beginning of December, I’ve been charting my progress on Walking 4 Fun, doing a virtual tour of El Camino Frances through northern Spain, and on Sunday, May 28, I finished. The beginning and the end were full of spectacular scenery, but the middle, ah, not so much. The part I’m anxious to walk in real life is the stretch after Santiago, ending up in Fisterra — it’s on my bucket list — if for no other reason than for the food of Galicia and the wines of the Rias Baixas.

I’m committed to being back in Calgary for September 15, and I’ll be heading back out to the West Coast the beginning of November, all things being equal. In between, I’ve got lots of projects to build and writing to do, wherever I’ll be hanging my hat.

Douglas Fir Trail

Books for Sale

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