Saturday, 12 December 2009

Right place, right time.

Shaw Building Bison #2

The interview I did for CBC Radio last month was yet another link in the chain of crazy-busyness that has been the new norm here.

When I went to view the work I had up for sale at Triangle Gallery, I saw someone I knew from participating in Artist Trading Cards and we talked about what I've been doing lately, particularly as it's been a goodly while since I've been to ATC Night. Something I will rectify soon. Really.

At that time, I had passed on sending in a submission to apply for a funded artist space because the week before the deadline, I had done something rather nasty to my knee, and sitting at the computer, trying to be creative with words, hadn't exactly been top-of-mind.

"Oh," I was told, "we had to extend the deadline: it's now the end of November."

So with my knee being less of a bother, I came home, thought long and hard about what I could do if let loose in a real studio space -- one that I wouldn't have to pack away every afternoon at 5:00 p.m. so that family meals could be consumed -- and fired off the required package.

Pyramid power

Pyramid Power did not fail me: within ten days, I was told that I had been awarded the space I wanted for two months, beginning January 10. I'll be working on two large fibre installations that I can barely touch now -- one is near completion and currently the size of a basketball, but needs to be washed and blocked (the proper term is dressed) to be six feet or so square.

Further details to come, as I committed to running a fairly open studio to welcome visitors: I've now started thinking about what else I can do with the time and space -- it's a list that's growing powerfully long and mighty fast.

When I had decided to pass the initial deadline, I did make a note to submit something for their next one, which is usually April 30. However, they filled the space for an entire year from the extended call.

Who knew?

Sometimes you can be good, and sometimes you can be lucky.

And every once in a foggy dawn, you can be both....

Foggy Dawn 4

Books for Sale

The shop is currently empty.